PRESENTATION - Master's Degree in Geophysics
Here you can find a presentation of the Master's Degree in Geophysics.
Hygiene kits available on campus
The University of Milan offers the entire university community hygiene and first-aid products, such as band-aids, sanitary pads, disinfectant and sterile dressings. These products are given out for free on a need basis, upon request.
The list of courses offered by the Library Service in spring 2024 is now online.
Open admission master programmes
You can now apply for our Master's degree in Geophysics for the academic year 2024/25.
Applications are open from 22 January to 31 October 2024.
Non EU-students VISA applicants can apply for admission until 30 April 2024.
For information follow the link and check the session "How to enrol" for instructions to submit the application: